
Thanks for stopping by!

As some of you know, I was bit by the travel bug back in 2008, when I was given the opportunity to visit the Dominican Republic on an alternative spring break. (Thank you, Stonehill College–and the family members who I hit up for donations.) As a born and bred Mainer, I wasn’t often exposed to the world of international travel; except for occasional forays into Canada as a child. But as a fellow Maineiac said to me, “There’s a lot of world past that green bridge in Portsmouth, some of it might be worth exploring.”

Since that fateful March back in 2008, I have pursued every opportunity for exploration that I was lucky enough to be given. From living for a semester in Austria, to traveling throughout Europe, to moving to Washington, D.C. for graduate school. Now I’m looking to take on a new and bigger adventure. When my work contract ended in Maine, instead of finding another job, I decided to apply for a Working Holiday Visa in New Zealand. When a friend from college told me that she was moving to San Diego, all of the pieces fell into place. At the end of August, we are setting out from Boston to drive cross-country to San Diego, hitting a couple of our bucket list stops along the way. After a short time in California, I will be flying out to New Zealand to begin my greatest adventure and, doubtless, biggest challenge to date.

As my family and friends know (and hate), I do not use social media. So this blog (or attempt at a blog) is my way to share my experiences with my loved ones back home.

So please join me, as I trek through Middle Earth!

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